Horacio "el negro" Hernández, José Luis Gutiérrez, Javier Colina - Trío

♦   Horacio 'el negro' Hernández         Drums
♦   José Luis Gutiérrez         Saxophones
♦   Javier Colina         Double Bass

The powerful rhythm, beating in a spiral-like a great turbine of sound, generates this compelling electrical force that unites us all.
The nuts and bolts, pistons and belts transmit this special energy.
The well-oiled machine is perfectly tuned. All hands and hearts are focused on the melody, a magical experience bathed in light.
From three maestros, three intense musical personalities

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This Website is produced by Iberjazz and is edited by Oswaldo Paredes, and is sponsored by Castilla y León es vida.
© 2011 José Luis Gutiérrez.
All Rights Reserved